28 January 2010

who knew

i blog when it's not private and not mine. hmm. aidan put on mascara today. i re-read the link connie sent me to the "love extends beyond convenience" article. i love having dad's car. it's nice to not be stuck in the house or try to find a ride. i can't decide whether to cut my hair short (right above my collar bone) or not. i realized how long it is when i had my coat on at school. ah, school. today was my last day of class and so far (this will change tomorrow) i have a 3.9 gpa. i'm babysitting constantly which is actually good 'cause then the boys aren't so bored with each other. the hair thing. this girl at school told me i should go blond. i think not. i can't believe i'm done with classes. for eight years anyway. i'm not going to have my temple recommend in march. that makes me sad. i'm thinking the beginning of may. rich can take ladawn's boys. we may have to make this an over-nighter. :D rich's bosses are in haiti being body guards for doctors. i wonder how many people they'll kill? i'm back to thinking no on the tattoo. if i get it then i'll want the boys' initials and birthdates and then the amor vincit omnia with the daisy and this is not a good thing. i gave my final speech today and even though the teacher loved it i still got a C because i went way under on my time (last time i went way over) and that was 20% of my grade. but he loved it and i got awesome comments so that made me happy. i'm going to miss people. i need to pay off some bills so that i can get a minivan this year. i just realized that i can do it. if i do it before october when my nasty student loans have to be paid on. i'm going to be taking over kim's life next month. i can't figure out why she's excited to babysit for me. maybe she's bored. ooh ooh! i put a crib together for geanette today! it was fun. i love her. this saturday we're getting bunk beds for the boys (mattress for aidan, more sheets) and a light cover plus bulb. i'm going to paint their room! i love tax season. rich is getting a bike in the spring so he can go riding with jakob and i'm signing him (jake not rich) up for softball this year. aidan is waffling with the whole potty training thing. i'm giving him three months and then handing him over to my bff. i've been reading nothing but books for research. learned a lot about marie curie. marya salomee sklowdowska curie. i'm rambling. yay! have a good night.


Connie Babe said...

well...that was a great post...

congrats on your gpa...and i'm glad that dad turned himself into a rental car company...

LaNae Brandon said...

Leanna is showing positive signs that it is possible for her to be potty trained by her birthday! She yells to get our attention "POTTY"