22 January 2010

is my tag showing?

8 TV shows I watch on occasion:

1. the office
2. burn notice
3. (as of last night) project runway
4. i get "corner gas" in the mail
5. i have netflix
6. i watch it on the 360
7. the upstairs t.v. belongs to the boys
8. i watch t.v. on the internet

8 favorite places to eat and drink:

1. taste of india
2. mimi's
3. cafe rio
4. china buffet (lucky buffet?)
5. famous dave's
6. royal india
7. marija's
8. oliver's

8 things I look forward to (NOT necessarily in this order):

1. sex
2. getting a minivan
3. getting a job
4. my nursery class
5. role playing (uber geek i know)
6. finishing my temple class
7. helping jake's class on fridays
8. my new airsoft rifle

8 things I love about winter:

1. not having to look at my dead grass
2. cute sweaters
3. waiting for the good snow (someday i'll show jake how to make stuff)
4. christmas lights
5. rich trying to slide with the car
6. kids' fat coats
7. bird tracks on my porch
8. ike doing his crazy figure eights

8 things on my wish list:

1. the title to this house :D
2. food storage for a year
3. a pedicure once a month
4. joe to fly out here and adjust my back and then a massage
5. my victoria's secret wish list
6. someone to organize my stuff
7. paint
8. the drive to play my violin

8 things I am passionate about:

1. rich
2. my boys
3. apparently drugs (inside joke maybe?)
4. amy tan
5. bollywood (oh amir!)
6. my toes
7. cute socks
8. food

8 things I have learned from the past:

1. it's really hard to forgive yourself
2. chemistry lectures are not for me
3. idaho is not a place to live if you don't love ice and wind
4. i don't have to talk to people that i don't care for
5. no more v.s. jeans, the butts rip out
6. get my leaves raked on time
7. bedtime is the most important for kids
8. long baths with a book are awesome

8 things I want/need:

1. that minivan!
2. excedrin
3. a new bed
4. another cat
5. more shoes
6. new pans/tupperware
7. less toys
8. to fix my water heater/new washer

i guess that's 10. oh well, it's my list. :D

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