20 January 2010

ladawn's post

(as dictated to tara)
i got a book from the library about vanderbilt. it's called "the first tycoon". it was recommended as a good read on the news. i watched "persuasion" finally. i'm happy about c&b. :D i forgot to pop some popcorn on popcorn day. i need to go. i have to go get bryce from school. we have to go to the library for chess club.


Connie Babe said...

a monumentual (word?) occasion!

ladawn's first post!!!

Karilyn said...

I love "Persuasion"!!!!

And I think it's so cool that the family hobby is being passed along too!!!!!! (Chess)

Dad taught Dan to play and they used to sit around and do that for hours, until the day Dan whupped Dad, then Dad wouldn't play anymore -- so Dan taught me... I've never won.

I used to take my kids to the library for their chess too -- they had four tables with chess sets all ready for a game, which we'd do all at once. I don't think there is a single one of 'em who didn't whup me in the game.

I've never won a game, but do enjoy playing it.

OH! Just remembered who I was able to win against, but I don't think it counts when they LET you win. ha!

Do I get to ask when is popcorn day?

Karilyn said...

p.s. to Connie: "monumental" is a word, yep~ "monumentual" is now a new one! :->

Lady Winterhart said...

national popcorn day. you eat popcorn and apparently it's a national day.